HI! It's me, Alex. Mom said it was time to make up a new page for me since it is a new school yearand stuff. So..here it goes.


We got a new digital camera. Mom took this picture of me on 8/30/03.


Last week I entered some of my own photography into the Wheatland Communities Fair and I won first place! Here is the picture I entered. I took it in Rexburg, ID when I was on vacation with my Grandma and Grandpa Rogers.



Mom is going to put a picture up here of me with my ribbon tonight. YAY!


I started First Grade on Wednesday, August 27. I am in Mrs. Sitton's class. There are only 6 kids in my class. That is kindergarten through 2nd grade. My best friends are PJ and Levi. We have 2 girls in the kindergaten, Jazlyn and Ashley. The other 1st grader is Eric.


That is all for now. Email me because I have my own email address now. (( If your email doesn't go through, email Mommy - annabug @ washtucna . com and she'll OK the email to go through ))

Mom is going to put more of her and my pictures on the PHOTO Page - use the button below!
