Welcome to our website - Schwartz Diaries. We've changed our look for the changing season (And Anna's changing moods). Hope you like it! Below you will find links to our individual pages. Some are still under construction so please be patient with us. Also, you'll see a news section that we hope to keep updated as much as possible. Please sit back, relax and enjoy your visit with us.


John, Anna, Alex and Josh Schwartz


9/02/03 - check out how the boys did at the Fair

8/31/03 - ALEX put up his new page with pictures! And the PHOTO page is up!

7/1/03 - Thanks to Becky, we have a few pics from our Phoenix Trip

7/1/03 - Added pics of the New Neice!

6/27/03 - Added Joshy's page and fixed The Brothers Schwartz page



 Anna's Garden

The Boys' Room

Alex's Room

Joshy-roo's Room

The Photo Page


Buckerations - PSP Tutorials


The image above is the national awareness campaign ad which was developed for the Lupus Foundation of America. The American Advertising Federation bestowed an "Addy Award", advertising's equivalent to the "Oscar", on this print advertisement.;

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